For example, the image below shows three User nodes (left side) connected to one Group node (right side), via the “MemberOf” edge, indicating the three users belong to the group:

The direction of the edge, indicated by the arrow, always indicates the direction of attack or privilege. From the above example, because all three users have a “MemberOf” edge pointing towards the group, all three users have the same privileges as the group.

Clicking on an Edge’s name/label in the graph shows its properties in the Entity Panel:

Edges have only a few properties, which always include the following:

  • Source Node
  • Target Node
  • Last Collected by BloodHound

Each article in this section documents an individual edge, and each contains:

  • A description of the edge.
  • Abuse Info: How red teamers can use the privilege of the edge to obtain their goals.
  • Opsec Considerations: What red teamers should consider avoiding detection and thereby increasing operational security.
  • References: Links to publicly available sources used to create the above information.

Note that edge names indicate what directory they apply to; all Azure and Entra ID edges are prefixed with “AZ”, while Active Directory edges have no prefix.